The mountains are a wonderful place, most of the time

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My first story!!! It's a romance... O.o creepy.

Ok, well, I asked some people online wat I should right about, they said romance/fantasy. I typed it and I'm posting it here to get some CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISCISM! no flames plz? (A flame is saying it sucks! without giving a reason why it sucks)
In the Dragons Den.
The great dragon turned it's head to face the hero. It realeased it's flaming breath and the knight knew this was the end. The last two days began to flash before his eyes.
"Hey, how was your stay in trollopolis?" the blonde asked the hero. The wind blew through her hair, making her appear more beautiful than usual.
"As well as could be expected." replied the knight. He was wearing silver armor that glistened in the sunlight, and his dark hair hung in his face. His sword rested in the ground stained with green troll blood. "How was your week?" he asked.
"Oh, the usual," she began. She played with her hair as she spoke. "Learned some spells, turned your brother into a toad, blew up the house, same old." She laughed and smiled. She was wearing a bright pink shirt under her violet overalls. In one hand she held a thick leather book, in the other, a well crafted rose shaped wand. Her long blonde hair was in two gravity defying pigtails.
*Pause flashback*

"Why?" the knight asked. "Why does it have to end this way?" the heat of the dragons breath sent him flying backwards. He skidded across the dirt, sparks flying from his armor.
*Continue flashback*
The two walked hand in hand towards the village, where most everyone was hard at work. They walked up to their cottage, where the girls uncle, to, was hard at work.
"Dan, blast-it! Where is that accursed tome!" he shouted to the wind. While he searched the many shelves the two took a seat in the kitchen, where the knight told fish tales of how he had slain the troll queen, and her army of a thousand minions. The girl knew they were exagerations but still she listened intently.
*Pause flashback*
"Where did I go wrong?' the knight pondered. He rose from the dirt to face the awful beast. It through him deeper into the chasm with a swish of his mighty tale.
*Continue flashback*
They sat in the cottage, drinking tea and making small talk. The knight stood up and took her hand in his. Gently he kissed it before saying, "I am sorry my love, but tommorow I leave again, for I must vanguish the dragon of the mountain, before he kills again." He then turned to leave, and paused, fingering the ring in his pocket. "Should I give it to her?" he pondered. He left the cottage, with the ring still secured in his pocket.
*Pause flashback*
"Why did I go? Why didn't I give her the ring?" He asked himself. "NO! I refuse to die! Not until she knows how much I care!" He slung his sword into the solid stone of the wall. The sparks flew in all directions, but soon he was no longer falling. He climbed up to meet the dragon, and charged it with full force...
*Continue flashback*
The girl waved at him as he rode of earlier that day, she shouted to him as his horse galloped on, "I love you! Please return safely!"
"I will, I promise my love!" he shouted back.
*End flashback*
"I intend to keep my promise!" he shouted as he drove his sword into the vile beast. It screamed in agony and fell into the molten lave below. It sunk and soon there was silence. No screams, no growls, not even the sound of the lava below. Only... silence. The knight left the cave, and walked past his dead horse, and slowly walked back to town.
*The very next day*
"You may now kiss the bride!"

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I'm back!

Hi! Well I've been gone a while,(A LONG while) and a lot has happened in that time. I invented a new sport. It's called musical girlfriend. It's like musical chairs except you only lose when you say something stupid. Which I do a lot. Any way, I've been on the internet doing other things. I've been surfing the web and I recently got involved with online forums. They're pretty cool and though this isn't the first time I've joined one this is the most entertaining :). Any way, I will try to post more often and if I take to long Blackcat(Insert # here) *Is forgetful* will get me to post again.

Friday, December 01, 2006


Thats right folks!!!!!! This lonely bachelor is single no-mo!!!!:D She is a beautiful girl and I can't wait to see her again.Though we've only been dating for a day or 2, I'm already head over heels!!!!!:)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Living to my Own Beat

As mentioned I am lazy. Not to sound Hippocritical, but I also have a lot of energy. That energy is unentionally annoying(most of the time),and too everyone I've annoyed I appologize. Now with that out of the way I would like too say that I have my own philosophy for life.Here it is,
Life is like a rollercoaster you only get to ride once,
It has its ups and its downs,
And all the twists and turns in-between,
The boring climbs,
Followed by the fun drops,
and the places where you wish you could get off,if only for a sec.,
So do me a favor, enjoy this ride and loosen up world,

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Hunter Becomes the Hunted

It's on the news and on the web,if you haven't heard it you've been under a rock for the past week. That's right the Croc Hunter is dead and was stabbed by a stingray. The the thing is I always thought he would be eaten by a croc. The deceased Croc Hunter left a wife and kids behind after his death. Although I always made fun of him I feel sorry for the family.
Now he is in the croc infested waters in the sky.
Good 'ay mate!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The drawings are here

I use an art style known as manga.Manga is a form of Japanese comics that is growing more and more popular in the USA.The first drawing is a head-shot, the character I am trying to portray is a hybrid between an angel and a demon.Whilst he has a great mystic ability his strenght is lacking,Until he gets angry! When infuriated or in a life or death situation he morphs into the second drawing. Notice his giant arm and hoved foot. Strong as an ox in one arm his other can cast several powerful spells. But if he can't calm down soon his rage carries him to the third drawing. His strenght immensive his intelligence in that of a three day old popsicle.The four creatures that get bigger with him are his familiars each one teaches him an important lesson either about his power or about life.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Heat Wave Hits Home

Hot,very very hot.That is the only way I would describe the past few days. But I'll manage (hopefully).If it weren't for AC I probably would not be posting. All I've done lately is lounge around and try to draw something ,pretty boring.I helped an aquaintence of mine stripe a parking lot in town. What thanks do I get he cusses me out.I help him in the hot sun and thats how he repays me.Incase your wondering he is a MM-0(Moron Mach).If i have anything to say about it I won't be helping him again.Ok ,back on the heat.It's ok I guess 'cause it's an excuse to get in the local pool.Thats it I guess .