The mountains are a wonderful place, most of the time

Friday, December 01, 2006


Thats right folks!!!!!! This lonely bachelor is single no-mo!!!!:D She is a beautiful girl and I can't wait to see her again.Though we've only been dating for a day or 2, I'm already head over heels!!!!!:)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Living to my Own Beat

As mentioned I am lazy. Not to sound Hippocritical, but I also have a lot of energy. That energy is unentionally annoying(most of the time),and too everyone I've annoyed I appologize. Now with that out of the way I would like too say that I have my own philosophy for life.Here it is,
Life is like a rollercoaster you only get to ride once,
It has its ups and its downs,
And all the twists and turns in-between,
The boring climbs,
Followed by the fun drops,
and the places where you wish you could get off,if only for a sec.,
So do me a favor, enjoy this ride and loosen up world,

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Hunter Becomes the Hunted

It's on the news and on the web,if you haven't heard it you've been under a rock for the past week. That's right the Croc Hunter is dead and was stabbed by a stingray. The the thing is I always thought he would be eaten by a croc. The deceased Croc Hunter left a wife and kids behind after his death. Although I always made fun of him I feel sorry for the family.
Now he is in the croc infested waters in the sky.
Good 'ay mate!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The drawings are here

I use an art style known as manga.Manga is a form of Japanese comics that is growing more and more popular in the USA.The first drawing is a head-shot, the character I am trying to portray is a hybrid between an angel and a demon.Whilst he has a great mystic ability his strenght is lacking,Until he gets angry! When infuriated or in a life or death situation he morphs into the second drawing. Notice his giant arm and hoved foot. Strong as an ox in one arm his other can cast several powerful spells. But if he can't calm down soon his rage carries him to the third drawing. His strenght immensive his intelligence in that of a three day old popsicle.The four creatures that get bigger with him are his familiars each one teaches him an important lesson either about his power or about life.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Heat Wave Hits Home

Hot,very very hot.That is the only way I would describe the past few days. But I'll manage (hopefully).If it weren't for AC I probably would not be posting. All I've done lately is lounge around and try to draw something ,pretty boring.I helped an aquaintence of mine stripe a parking lot in town. What thanks do I get he cusses me out.I help him in the hot sun and thats how he repays me.Incase your wondering he is a MM-0(Moron Mach).If i have anything to say about it I won't be helping him again.Ok ,back on the heat.It's ok I guess 'cause it's an excuse to get in the local pool.Thats it I guess .

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Morons of the World

Everyone does stupid things. Some people do more stupid things than others, and then there are the people that standing near them makes you feel smarter.These people are not human, they are a secret species living among us called the MORONS there plan ,drive everyone insane with there stupidity.O.k o.k. there is no secret species of idiots among us but there are a lot of people that would be in jail if stupidity were a crime. I'm not talking about people that have mental issuse. I mean the people that just seem retarded.Everyone knows someone that fits the bill.I even made a scale for it.The Moron Mach Scale*.The scale works like this,10-average person not stupid but not a genius either,9- Occasionaly they do stupid things but they are not morons, 8-not the sharpest toolin the shed,7-they've lost a few marbles,6-They can get through life but they need the occasional push,5-there lucky to be out of elementery school,4-standing near them makes you feel smarter,3-they are often asked if they forgot there medication, but they are not on medication,2-Grade A moron,1-they have to have someone read them Changing a light bulb for morons 5 times to understand it,0-two words Drool Monkey

*(The moron mach scale is currently not patented)

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I am confused

I started this blog out of bordome but now I have to ask, what is a blog? I mean I know what it is but why is it called a blog ? And why did this craze start? Could someone please fill me in? PLEASE!!!

P.S I got a picture to go with a short story. The stories are coming

I'm Bored

I'm bored so I thought I would tell you a little bit more abuot me. I'm not very athletic(make that very,very,not athletic). I enjoy reading and am proud to say I've read every Harry Potter book in the series(can't wait for the seventh to come out). On that note why is it that the movie leaves out so much? I know they got to make it short enough to fit on one DVD but still. If they didn't make the intro so long they could fit more stuff in the movie.My favorite food is crab legs with butter sauce.YUM.You know what I don't get? Why healthy foods don't taste as good as unhealthy foods.About the drawings and stories I talked about in my last post I'm working on it.'Til next time.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hello World

Hi I'm a West Virginian who was looking for something to do, so I thought I would start this blog to have a place to put some drawings and short stories.To my knowledge all my family lives in appalachia. I am related to blackcatfever and bellaandmilly (two other bloggers). I enjoy lounging around and playing video games and hope to become a video game designer after college.